Friday, July 28, 2017

Java Buzzwords

  1.     Simple
  2.     Platform independent
  3.     Architectural Neutral
  4.     Portable
  5.     Multithreaded
  6.     Distributed
  7.     Robust
  8.     Dynamic
  9.     Secured
  10.     High Performance
  11.     Interpreted
  12.     Object Oriented

1. Simple

It is simple because of the following factors:

  1.     It is free from pointer due to this execution time of application is improved. [Whenever we write a Java program without pointers then internally it is converted into the equivalent pointer program].
  2.     It has Rich set of API (application protocol interface).
  3.     It has Garbage Collector which is always used to collect un-Referenced (unused) Memory location for improving performance of a Java program.
  4.      It contains user friendly syntax for developing any applications.

2. Platform independent

A program or technology is said to be platform independent if and only if which can run on all available operating systems with respect to its development and compilation.

3. Architectural Neutral
  1.      Architecture represents processor.
  2.      A Language or Technology is said to be Architectural neutral if and only if which can run on any available processors in the real world without considering their development and compilation.
  3.      The languages like C, CPP are treated as architectural dependent

4. Portable
  1.     If any language supports platform independent and architectural neutral feature is known as portable.
  2.     The languages like C, CPP, Pascal are treated as non-portable language.
  3.      Java is a portable language.
5. Multithreaded

1.      A flow of control is known as a thread.
2.      When any Language executes multiple thread at a time that language is known as multithreaded.
3.      Java is multithreaded.
4.      Using this we can perform multiple tasks at time.

6. Distributed

  1.     Using Java we can create distributed applications.
  2.     RMI and EJB are used for creating distributed applications.
  3.     In distributed application multiple client systems depends on multiple server systems so that even problem occurred in one server will never be reflected on any client system.

7. Robust
  1.     Robust simply means strong.
  2.     It is robust or strong Programming Language because of its capability to handle Run-time Error, automatic garbage collection, the lack of pointer concept, Exception Handling. All these points make It robust Language.
8. Dynamic
  1.     It supports Dynamic memory allocation due to this memory wastage is reduce and improve performance of the application.
  2.      The process of allocating the memory space to the input of the program at a run-time is known as dynamic memory allocation
9. Secure
  1.     It is a more secure language compared to other languages.
  2.     In this language, all code is covered in to byte code after compilation which is not readable by human.
10. High performance

  1.      Java is an interpreted language, so it will never be as fast as a compiled language like C or C++.
  2.      But, Java enables high performance with the use of just-in-time compiler.
11. Interpreted

      It is one of the highly interpreted programming languages.

12. Object Oriented

  1.     In java everything is Object which has some data and behavior. Java can be easily extended as it is based on Object Model.
  2.     It supports OOP's concepts because of this it is most secure language.

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