Friday, August 11, 2017

Final keyword

It is used to make a variable as a constant, Restrict method overriding, Restrict inheritance.

final keyword can be used in following way.

  1. Final at variable level
  2. Final at method level
  3. Final at class level

Final at variable level

Final keyword is used to make a variable as a constant.

A variable declared with the final keyword cannot be modified by the program after initialization.


public class Circle


public static final double PI=3.14159;

public static void main(String[] args)




Final at method level

It makes a method final, meaning that sub classes cannot override this method.


class Employee


 final void disp()

{ System.out.println("Hello Good Morning");


class Developer extends Employee


void disp()


System.out.println("How are you ?");

} }

class FinalDemo


 public static void main(String args[])


Developer obj=new Developer();



Final at class level

It makes a class final, meaning that the class can not be inheriting by other classes.


final class Employee


 int  salary=10000;


class Developer extends Employee

{ void show()


 System.out.println("Hello Good Morning");

} }

 class FinalDemo


 public static void main(String args[])


Developer obj=new Developer();;


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